St Patrick’s Parish – breathing new life into an icon
Date: December 8, 2020
Date: December 8, 2020
St Patrick’s Parish West Tamworth is eagerly awaiting the return of the iconic parish building which has served the community for over 100 years.
Initially, the building was used as a part of the precinct which included a hospital and accommodation for the Sisters of St Joseph often referred to as the “Josephites”. The Sisters used the structure as a church on the weekend up until the construction of the existing St Patrick’s Church 92 years ago. During the week it was used for education with the first classes of the St Joseph’s Primary School utilising the hall on 30th March 1919.
The building upgrade was in part supported from lending from the Armidale Diocesan Investment Group (ADIG).
Mr Grant Devine, ADIG CEO commented, “ADIG was proud to be an enabler for the building’s renovation as it transforms into its new life and function”. The ADIG has also been involved in the delivery of a renewed community asset through the provision of lending to complete the building’s fit out and purchase of technological equipment.
A proud Fr Anthony Koppman, Parish Priest, St Patricks Parish West Tamworth said that “it is envisaged that the centre will offer function and meeting facilities in addition to the inclusion of commercial office space. Opening early in 2021 it will provide a venue that can be utilised by the St Patrick’s Parish and the wider community groups and individuals as a place to meet and grow”.
The centre will boast some of the latest technology, providing a flexible learning and function space. Whilst significant, the investment is seen as integral in maintaining a legacy and structure that is still in line with the vision of the original Josephite founders, to assist and benefit to the community through the facilitation of an “education to all”.
Fr Koppman went on to say, that “the restoration of this iconic parish building would not have been possible without the direct support of ADIG. This project and the future development of the St Patrick’s West Tamworth Precinct is reliant on the service, professionalism and mission of ADIG.”
(L-R) Mr Grant Devine, CEO ADIG, Fr Anthony Koppman, Parish Priest St Patrick’s West Tamworth, Monsignor Edward Wilkes, St Joseph’s Uralla and St Patrick’s Walcha.