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On Tuesday, July 26, Bishop Michael Kennedy officiated a small ceremony to bless the new ADIG Tamworth office and team. Representatives from the Diocese, including the Chair of the Board Ms Alison Hamilton and CEO Grant Devine, were present at the blessing.

During his blessing, Bishop Kennedy highlighted the importance that “it is not just the building itself being blessed, but all those who work there and who do business there.”
Bishop Kennedy also expressed his hope that that the work of the ADIG being conducted in this new office may be elevated and presented as an offering to God, becoming a means of sanctification.

Building on a strong financial year last year, the ADIG continues to be well placed to continue and assist in the ongoing charitable works of the Catholic Diocese of Armidale. This new office in Tamworth is a concrete foundation in being more present within the Tamworth community and a visible sign of the Mission of the Church in our community.