Werris Creek Celebrates 100 years of Faithfulness
Date: October 19, 2018
Date: October 19, 2018
St Thomas More Church in Werris Creek celebrated its 100th anniversary on October 7th, 2018. Sharing the commemorations with the 50th anniversary of the local swimming pool, St Thomas More saw more than 100 people celebrate mass with Bishop Michael Kennedy, Parish administrator Father Vic Ignacio, past Parish priest Fr John Curran and Fr Paul Aguilar.
After the blessing the new Parish office and then mass, a celebratory lunch was held at Werris Creek Golf Club. ADIG was proud to be a sponsor and part of the community of Werris Creek for this momentous occasion.
Deacon Paul Manvell, Bishop Michael Kennedy and Frs Vic Ignacio and Paul Aguilar bless the new Parish office.